The Constitution of TIEC ALUMNI (as of May 1st, 2021)


Article 1. Name

This organization shall be called “TIEC ALUMNI” (hereinafter, “the Organization”).

Article 2. Members

The Members of the Organization (hereinafter, “the Members”) shall be former residents of Tokyo International Exchange Center (hereinafter, “TIEC”) who  expressed their wish to become a Member of the Organization.

Article 3. Location

The location of the Organization is:

Resident Assistants Office of Tokyo International Exchange Center

2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Article 4. Objectives

The objectives of the Organization are:

1) To promote academic and cultural exchange between the Members as well as between the Members and the current residents of TIEC; and

2) To contribute to the growth and development of TIEC as a center for international academic exchange.

Article 5. Activities

The main activities of the Organization are:

1) To support and participate in projects and events organized by TIEC;

2) To organize events (including academic presentations) by the Members;

3) To promote and advertise events organized by the Members;

4) To provide information to the Members through the Internet; and

5) Other activities required to achieve the objectives stated in Article 4.

Chapter 2: Membership

Article 6. Registration

The Organization is open to all former TIEC residents who wish to become a Member. To register as a Member, it is necessary to apply through the Facebook group of the Organization or fill out an Alumni registration form at . Registration and membership are free of charge.

Article 7. Withdrawal


Any Member fulfilling any one of the following shall be deemed withdrawn from the Organization:

1) If a Member expresses his/her will to withdraw from the Organization to the Board of Managers of the Organization.

2) If a Member violates the Rules of the Organization and/or if the withdrawal of the Member has been approved by the Board of Managers.


Members who have withdrawn from the Organization due to any reason specified in Article 7-1 need approval from the Board of Managers to rejoin the Organization.

Chapter 3: Organization

Article 8. Managers

The Organization shall appoint Managers.

The Managers shall be:

1) Former members of the Resident Assistants Office in the preceding fiscal year. The Committee’s term will be for one calendar year, but can be re-appointed.

2) Any appropriate former residents of TIEC can be a member of the Committee. The Committee’s term will be for one calendar year, but can be re-appointed.

Article 9. The Board of Managers

Members who are appointed as Managers shall constitute the Board of Managers and shall handle and be responsible for administrative matters concerning the Organization.

1) The Board of Managers shall hold meetings as necessary.

2) The Board of Managers shall discuss and decide issues necessary for the operation of the Organization, as well as topics to be discussed at the General Meeting.

3) The Board of Managers shall organize, approve and advertise the events specified in Article 4.

4) The Board of Managers shall publish mail magazines to the Members, as well as manage and update the Organization’s website.

Article 10

One of the members of the Board of Managers shall be appointed as the President of the Organization. The President shall be elected at the General Meeting of the Board of Managers. The President shall represent the Organization and oversee its activities.

The Board of Managers shall appoint one Accountant and one PR officer, as well as two Event Managers, to be elected from the Board of Managers.

Article 11


The following issues are subject to decisions and/or approval from the Board of Managers:

1) Appointment of the President, Accountant, PR officer, and Event Managers;

2) Activity reports and planning;

3) Settlements of accounts for each fiscal year and preparation of the budget for the next fiscal year;

4) Modification of the Rules of the Organization; and

5) Decisions on the withdrawal and rejoining of Members as specified in Article 7.


The use of funds by a Member is not allowed unless the Board of Managers approves the use of funds. If a Member uses the funds without receiving the approval of the Board of Managers, the Member shall return the funds immediately. 

Article 12. Assets and Accounts

The Board of Committee shall manage all assets and accounts of the Organization. The assets of the Organization are:

1) Donations and Donated goods;

2) Incomes from activities of the Organization;

3) Incomes from assets of the Organization;

4) Balance carried forward from the precedent fiscal year; and

5) Other Incomes.

Article 13

The fiscal year shall start on the 1st of April and end on the last day of March of the following year.

Article 14

The Accountant shall report on financial results on a fiscal year basis to the Members and prepare a proposed budget for each fiscal year.

Chapter 4. General Assembly

Article 15

The General Meeting of the Organization shall be held when necessary, and the President shall convene the meeting.

1) The General Meeting shall be deemed valid when 30 or more Members are present or represented. The decisions of such meetings are made by majority vote of the attendees of the meetings.

2) The Members who are absent can entrust their voting rights to the President or other members who attend the Meeting.

Chapter 5. Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 16. Changes and Amendments to the Rules of the Organization

Any changes and amendments to the Rules of the Organization need the consent of at least two-thirds of the Board of Managers.

Article 17. Support

The Managers and the Resident Assistants Office of TIEC shall handle the organization’s general issues. The Japan Student Services Organization’s Tokyo International Exchange Center Division shall support the Organization when necessary.

Article 18. Dissolution

The Organization shall be dissolved upon decision of the General Meeting, and with consent from two-thirds of all Members.

Article 19. Distribution of Remaining Assets

The distribution of the remaining assets of the Organization at the time of its dissolution shall be decided at the General Meeting upon approval of two-thirds of the Members.

(Additional Clause)

The current Constitution shall be established on February 28th, 2009 and shall come into effect on March 1st, 2009. The revised terms apply from May 1st, 2021.